towards Straight Punch Speed of 16-18-Year-Old Male Amateur Boxers at Ang Thong Sports Schools
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The purposes of this research were to investigate and compare the results of weight training on upper and muscle groups towards straight punch speed of 16-18-year-old male amateur boxers at Ang Thong Sports School. The samples used in this research were thirty male amateur boxers from Ang Thong Sports School. They were divided into three groups, each of which comprised ten male amateur boxers and had eight-week training. Group 1, the control group, was trained with the conventional training program while Group 2, the experimental group, was trained with the conventional training program and the weight training program on upper muscle group, and Group 3, the experimental group, was trained with the conventional training program and the weight training program on lower muscle group. The straight punch speed of the three groups was tested before training, after the fourth training week and after the eighth training week. The data were analyzed in terms of mean, standard deviation, One-Way Analysis of Variance, One-Way Analysis of Variance with Repeated Measure, and Pair Comparison with LSD method at the significant difference level of .05.
Between groups, after the fourth week training and after the eighth week training, the mean score of straight punch speed in Group 1 was significantly different from that in Group 2 and 3. Also, significant differences of straight punch speed mean score were found between Group 2 and Group 3 at the level of .05.
Within group, significant differences of straight fist speed mean score in Group 1, Group 2 and Group 3 were found between before training and after the fourth and the eighth training weeks, and between after the fourth training week and after the eighth training weeks at the level of .05.
In conclusion, weight training on upper and lower muscle groups was appropriate and had a better effect on straight punch speed of 16-18-year-old male amateur boxers; moreover, no injury was found in the whole eight-week training.
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Critical thinking in journals is the right of the author. The Association of Health Education, Physical Education and Recreation of Thailand is not always required, to create diversity in ideas and creativity.
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