The Effect of Learning Management in Physical Education Based on The Concept of King Bhumibol’s Approach to Fundamental Movement Skills and Physical Fitness for The Early Childhood of Singapore International School of Bangkok
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The purposes of this study were 1) to compare basic motor skills and physical fitness of preschool students, before and after the management of physical education courses according to the concept of the King’s concept 2) to compare basic movement skills and physical fitness of preschool students after the experiment between the two groups; learning management of physical education according to the King's concept and normal learning management 3) to study the satisfaction of preschool students in conjunction with learning management in physical education subjects according to the King's concept. The sample group used in this research was 40 preschool students from Singapore International School of Bangkok during the first term in the academic year of 2021-2022. Within the 40 students, a method called Simple Random Sampling, also known as a raffle, was applied. The first classroom was a sample group of 20 people, and the second classroom was a control group of 20 people. The instruments in the student comprised of, 1) The learning management for physical education subjects according to the concept of the King for preschool students, total 18 plans. 2) Assessment form for basic motor skills of
preschoolers. 3) A physical fitness test 4) A questionnaire for assessing students' satisfaction towards learning management in physical education subjects according to the King's concept. Additionally, the data were analysis using average standard deviation and the mean difference test of scores with the value “t” (t-test).
The research result was: 1) Basic movement skills of elementary school students after learning management according to the King’s concept and normal learning management is higher, with statistical significance at the .05 level. 2) Physical Fitness of preschool students after learning using the King's concept was higher than normal learning management plan. Nevertheless, there was no difference in physical fitness at the .05 level However, there was no difference in the experimental group for body mass index items.
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Critical thinking in journals is the right of the author. The Association of Health Education, Physical Education and Recreation of Thailand is not always required, to create diversity in ideas and creativity.
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