Study on the Factors Affecting Technology Acceptance of “SAT Sport Digital Platform”, a Case Study of National Sports Competitions, Srisaket Games 2022
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The purpose of this research was to study the factors affecting technology acceptance "SAT Sport Digital Platform", a case study of national sports competitions, Srisaket Games 2022 was a quantitative research. The sample group consisted of 385 people related to the Sepak Takraw. The data were collected by the questionnaire created by the researcher, consisting of general information of the respondents and factors affecting technology acceptance. The confidence value was 1, Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.945. The obtained results were statistically analyzed by the computer program to find the frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and analyzed the factors of technology acceptance using statistical analysis of multiple regression at a statistically significant level of 0.05.
The results of the research found that the opinions of the sample on the factors affecting the technology acceptance of the "SAT Sport Digital Platform" found that there were opinions on the perceived ease of use, perceived benefit, attitude towards use, and social influence at the highest level. When considering the standard regression coefficient (Beta), it was found that the predictor variable with the highest Beta value was the perceived benefit factor (Beta=0.216), followed by the attitude towards use factor (Beta=0.204), perceived ease of use (Beta=0.176) and social influence factor (Beta=0.126), respectively, it could explain the technology acceptance of the “SAT Sport Digital Platform” by 39.4% from the both 4 variables into the regression equation all of which were positively correlated with technology acceptance, there was statistically significant at the 0.05 level (R=0.628).
Keywords : Technology Acceptance, SAT Sport Digital Platform, National Sports Competition
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