Effect of Training Volume on Muscle Changes
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The purpose of this research were to compare the effects of weight training volume on muscle changes using intensities at 75% of 1 RM and less than 75% of 1 RM but keeping training volume equal. The sample consisted of 30 male volunteers who were in year one physical education major, Thaksin University, Songkhla campus. They were divided into 3 groups of ten people each, consisting of a control group, experimental group 1 weight training at 75% of 1 RM, and experimental group 2 weights training at less than 75% of 1 RM. The statistics used in the study were mean, standard deviation, analysis of variance, and pair sample t-test before and after training
The results after the eight weeks of the experiment showed 1) There were an increase in muscle circumference after the training program as a result of expansion in the cross-sectional area of the muscles, 2) a significant difference in muscle mass between the control group and the two experimental weight training groups at a level of .05 However there were no significant difference in muscle mass between experimental group one and experimental group two. 3) Muscle strength in both upper and lower muscle groups were improve when compared before training for both experimental. These results showed that both weight training programs can improve both upper and lower muscle strength.
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