Relationship between Fast Feet Test and Soccer-Specific Speed Test in Young Soccer Players

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Jinjuta Pantong Pantong
Niromlee Makaje
Ratree Ruangthai
Sukanya Charoenwattana


The purpose of this research was to studies the relationship between fast feet test and soccer-specific speed test in young players. 135 male youth soccer players aged 13-18 years old, who were football player at Nakhonnon wittaya 6 school, Bangkok sports Scholl and Nakhonpathom Municipaloty sports Scholl. All subject were assessed fast feet test and soccer-specific speed test including straight sprinting speed test, change of direction speed test and speed with the ball test. Data were analyzed by using Pearson product moment correlation coefficient to analyzed the relationship between, fast feet test, and soccer-specific speed test and One-way ANOVA to compare between competitive age level and positional role of players. An alpha level of .05 was used on all statistical tests.

The result showed that fast feet test was correlated (p<.05) with straight sprinting speed test, change of direction speed test and speed with the ball test (r = -0.84, -0.75 and -0.72) respectively. fast feet test and soccer-specific speed test were significance (P<0.05) difference between competitive age level (U14, U16 and U18) and fast feet test were also significance (P<0.05) difference between positional role of players (defender, midfielder and attacker) but there were no significant difference (P>0.05) between positional role pf players with soccer-specific speed test. It could be concluded that the fast feet test be able to measure the quickness performance for young soccer players. It can be correlate with straight sprinting speed , change of direction speed and speed with the ball and also discriminated between different competitive aged level and positional role.

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