Factors Affecting the Success of Professional Women’s Volleyball Players in Thailand

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Chalisa Junjumpa
Saowalee Kaewchuay
Pram Inprom


There are factors affecting the success of professional women’s volleyball players in Thailand. The objective of this study is to investigate factors affecting the success of professional women’s volleyball players in Thailand. Data are collected and analyzed using mixed method research. Qualitative data with in-depth interview. Using the purposive sampling method with 8 interviews and content analysis. Quantitative data using a questionnaire with 122 Thai professional women volleyball players in Thailand to participate in the competition Volleyball Thailand League 2019-2020 season. Data were used and analyzed by using frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, correlation coefficient of Pearson and stepwise multiple regression analysis.

The results showed that: Opinion level on factors affecting the success of professional women’s volleyball players in Thailand The picture in the picture is very high (X̅ = 4.07). The samples highest agreed on family support (X̅ = 4.56), effort (X̅ = 4.44) and coach/manager support (X̅ =4.29), respectively. Correlation between factors affecting the success of professional women’s volleyball players in Thailand at 0.01 level of significance. These include volleyball club support factors, coach/manager support factors, sports science factors, sports promotion policy factors, family support factors, respectively. And there are at 0.05 level of significance, including effort factors, positive impression factors, respectively. Analysis of multiple linear regression affecting the success of professional women’s volleyball players in Thailand has a predictive coefficient of 79 percent. The most is the support factor from volleyball clubs (X6), sports promotion policy (X8) and coach/manager support (X4).The equation of raw score is

Yˆ= 0.27 + 0.32(X6) + 0.27(X8) + 0.34(X4)
The equation of standard score is
Zˆ = 0.44(X6) + 0.30(X8) + 0.33(X4)

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