Guidelines for Management of the Sport Activities and Exercise for Students of Mahidol University, Salaya Campus

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Petcharat Kunapun
Saowalee Kaewchuay
Pram Inprom


The objectives of this study (1) To study the condition and problems of arrangement the sports activities and exercise for students of Mahidol University, Salaya Campus, (2) To study guidelines for managing sports activities and exercise for students Mahidol University, Salaya Campus. By collecting quantitative data with questionnaires with a sample group of students Mahidol University Salaya Campus according to Taro Yamane’s calculation method, 388 people, data were analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. And collecting qualitative data with in-depth interviews of 7 people, take the content gained from in-depth interviews. Come to analyze and summarize in the form of an essay. The results show as follows. (1) The condition of sports activities and exercise management for students of Mahidol University, Salaya Campus showed that sports and exercise venues have appropriate opening and closing times (79.12%). The number of staff is sufficient to service the users (74.23%). Staff can advise users about sport and exercise (60.57%). Sports and exercise venues are in a good and safe condition, tidy (81.44%). And have an adequate standard but outdated sports and exercise equipment for the users (56.44%). (2) Problems of organizing sports activities and exercise for students the overall opinion level was low. (X̅ =2.36, SD=0.87)and when considering each side the results show Services had the most problems (X̅ = 2.39,SD=0.85). (3) Guidelines for the management of sport and exercise activities for students. showed that Staff (Man), People with knowledge, abilities, and expertise in sport and exercise activities should be selected for these duties. Sports venues, equipment, and facilities (Material) improve the area for sports and exercise activities and provide adequate sports and exercise equipment. Services (Service), registration, and booking systems need to be developed as user-friendly as possible for users to conveniently book a queue to use the service and reduce errors. Activities (Sport and Exercise Activities) survey the needs of sport and exercise activity from all students for the implementation plan.

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