Desirable Qualifications of an Effective Sports Coach According to the Opinions of Team Officials and Athletes in Upper Secondary Schools, Case Study: Rugby Football

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Jakkapan Thip-orarn
Phermporn Buppawong


The purposes of this research were to investigate and compare desirable qualifications of an effective sports coach according to the opinions of team officials and athletes in upper secondary schools, case study: rugby football. The subjects used in this research comprised 350 team officials and athletes in upper secondary schools. A constructed questionnaire, three parts of which consisted of Part 1 respondents’ general information, Part 2 desirable qualifications of an effective sports coach, and Part 3 suggestions on desirable qualifications of an effective sports coach, was used as a tool of this research. The data analysis was conducted by frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test independent, and Modified Priority Need Index (PNImodified). The findings revealed that desirable qualifications of an effective sports coach according to the opinions of team officials and athletes in upper secondary schools, case study: rugby football, were found at a highest level as a whole in every aspect (X̅=4.56) while actual qualifications according to their opinions were found at a high level as a whole (X̅=4.15). The most important aspect was moral and ethics (PNI=0.254), next were knowledge (PNI=0.109) and personality (PNI=0.104) respectively. Significant differences of desirable qualifications according to the opinions of team officials and athletes in upper secondary schools, case study: rugby football, were found in different genders, ages, status, and education levels, but no significant differences of actual qualifications according to their opinions were found in those.

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