Causal Factors Influencing Thailand National Sports University Students’ Decision on Choosing to Take Tennis Skills and Instruction Course

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Anan Piyarat
Naina Bupphuang
Pensri Srisawat


The objective of this research was to investigate causal factors influencing Thailand National Sports University students’ decision on choosing to take Tennis Skills and Instruction Course. The samples used in this research comprised 240 Thailand National Sports University students who chose to take Tennis Skills and Instruction Course in the academic year 2019. A five-rating-scale questionnaire, the content validity of which was found between 0.60-1.00, and the reliability of which was found at 0.84, was used as a tool of this research. The data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, model consistent equations with empirical data, and confirmatory factor analysis covering relationship between observable and latent variables, and path analysis of both direct and indirect influences.  

The results of research were as follows:

  1. The causal factors influencing Thailand National Sports University students’ decision on choosing to take Tennis Skills and Instruction Course consisted of seven factors; quality of teaching and learning management, quality of educational institution, attitude, motivation, interpersonal relationship, learning support and environment, and decision on choosing to take the course.

  2. The causal relationship of causal factors influencing Thailand National Sports University students’ decision on choosing to take Tennis Skills and Instruction Course revealed that weighted average of all factors was found as follows: = 195.95, df = 166, p-Value = 0.05, the combined index (GFI) = 0.93, RMSEA = 0.02, and regression coefficient = 0.68. The findings showed that all variables explained the variation of decisions on choosing to take Tennis Skills and Instruction Course at 68 percent. The direct influence was found in motivation only while the direct and indirect influences towards decision on choosing to take Tennis Skills and Instruction Course were found in quality of teaching and learning management, learning support and environment, attitude, quality of educational institution, and interpersonal relationships respectively

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