Factors Relating to Health Behaviors of the Obesity Elderly in Bangkok Metropolitan

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Chompoonut Junpen
Anisa Nititham


The research was survey research aims to study about factors relating to health behaviors of the obesity elderly in Bangkok Metropolitan. The sample size was 390 obesity elderly. Data were collected by using the questionnaire. Analytical staticals were frequency , percentage , mean , standard deviation and Pearson’s product Moment Correlation Coefficient. The results showed that behaviors of the Obesity Elderly in Bangkok Metropolitan were moderate level. Data analisis showed that all predisposing factors including knowledge, attitude, perceived benefit of health behaviors had relationship with the Health Behaviors of the Obesity Elderly statistical significant .05 level. Enable factors about health promotion activity and health sevice had relationship with the Health Behaviors of the Obesity Elderly statistical significant .05 level. Reinforcing factors - information perceiving included with health care advice and social support from family members and health profresioners had relationship with the Health Behaviors of the Obesity Elderly statistical significant .05 level.

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