Effects of the Manipulative Movement Training Program Through the Use of QR Code Technology on Agility of Grade 3 Students of Kasetsart University Laboratory School Center for Educational Research and Development

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worawut wangsuk
Sombat Onsiri
Amnuay Tanphanit


The purpose of this quasi - experimental research design was to study the effects of manipulative movement training program through the use of QR code technology on agility of grade 3 students of Kasetsart University Laboratory School Center for Educational Research and Development. The sample were 41 Grade 3 students who register in the first semester of the academic year 2020 at Kasetsart University Laboratory School Center for Educational REsearch and Development. The participants were obtained by cluster sampling method . The research instruments were the manipulative movement training program through the use of QR code technology created by the researcher and validated for face validity by 7 experts. And Physical fitness test for Thai children aged 7-18 years (Agility Test) created by Office of Sport Science, Department of Physical Education, Ministry of Tourism and Sports, 2012. The participants was trained for 8 weeks and the physical fitness was tested before training and after 8 weeks of training. The data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation and Paired Sample t – test.
The results showed that after 8 weeks of training with the manipulative movement training program through the use of QR code technology, the agility of participants increased statistically significance at the .05 level. In conclusion, the manipulative movement training program through the use of QR code technology constructed by the researcher was improved agility of grade 3 students of Kasetsart University Laboratory School Center for Educational Research and Development.

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