A Construction of 4 Meters Gait Speed Norms for the Elderly

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Sunanta Suphan
Sombut Onsiri
Chanchai Khantisiri Khantisiri


The purpose of this research was to construct the 4 meters gait speed norms for the elderly. The Samples were 400 elderly (Males =111; Females = 289) who aged over 60 year old and lived in southern of Thailand. The sample was obtained by using a multistage sampling method. The instrument used for this research were 4 meters gait speed test that was determined by 7 experts for face validity and test-retest method was conducted to determine the reliability. The data was analyzed by mean, standard deviation and person product moment correlation. The results show the face validity of 4 meters gait speed was in a very good level (1.00) and the reliability of the 4 meters gait speed was in a very good level (0.95). The norms of 4 meters gait speed for elderly were divided into three levels: good, moderate and low. The norms of the 4 meters gait speed for males aged from 60-69 years old were as follows: the good level was ≥ 0.53, the moderate level was between 0.36- 0.52, and the low level was ≤ 0.35. The norms of the 4 meters gait speed for males aged from 70-79 years old were as follows: the good level was ≥ 0.65, the moderate level was between 0.37- 0.64, and the low level was ≤ 0.36. The norms of the 4 meters gait speed for males aged over 80 years old were as follows: the good level was ≥ 0.75, the moderate level was between 0.43- 0.74, and the low level was ≤ 0.42.The norms of the 4 meters gait speed for females aged from 60-69 years old were as follows: the good level was ≥ 0.56, the moderate level was between 0.36- 0.55, and the low level was ≤ 0.35. The norms of the 4 meters gait speed for females aged from 70-79 years old were as follows: the good level was ≥ 0.68, the moderate level was between 0.37- 0.67, and the low level was ≤ 0.36. The norms of the 4 meters gait speed for females aged over 80 years old were as follows: the good level was ≥ 0.76, the moderate level was between 0.43- 0.75, and the low level was ≤ 0.43. In conclusion, the 4 meters gait speed was a test that a very good level of validity and reliability. It is easy to use and uncomplicated that is suitable for testing with the elderly. The norms of 4 meters gait speed can be use to assess the walking speed of the elderly.

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