Motivation factors in swimming sports of swimmer in central area 2

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Somchai Kaewnuan
Permporn Buppawong


         This research Objective 1) To study factors of motivation in swimming sport of swimmers central area 2 2) to compare factors of motivation in swimming sport of central swimmers 2 The sample groups of swimmers central area 2. In this study, 301 central swimmers were divided into 191 males and 110 females using a simple random sampling method. The data was analyzed by means of a mean frequency distribution. Standard deviation: t-test independent and f-test
The results was found that:

1) The motivation of swimming among athletes in the swimmers central area 2, between sex, age and experience Which can be divided as follows the motivation in health (4.61±.13, 4.63±.14, 4.60±.22), love aptitude and attention (4.32±.21, 4.35 ±.19, 4.33±.21), income and benefits (4.53±.18, 4.53±.19, 4.54±.20) honor (4.56±.21, 4.58±.21, 4.58±.22) in future progression (4.40±.20, 4.39±.20, 4.39±.20) and career advancement related person (4.57±.22, 4.5±.23, 4.55±.21).

2) The results of the comparison of factors on motivation for sports in swimming sports among the motivation in health, love aptitude and attention ,in income and benefits, honor, in future progression and career advancement related person. Between males and females, age range and experience, there was no statistically significant difference in all three groups at the .05 level.

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