The Integration Causal Relationship of Developing Model in Thai Young Elite Swimmers

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Radomyos Matjiur
Chatkamon Singnoi
Poolphong Suksawang
Sakchai Phitakwong


The purpose of this research were to 1) study the causal relationship of developing model in Thai young elite swimmers and 2) to developing the integration causal relationship model in Thai young elite swimmers. Sample size from 75 clubs (5 subjects each club included 2 coaches, 2 parents and 1 club administrator), the total was 375 subjects. Mixed methods design was used in two steps. The first step was studied the causal relationship model in Thai young elite swimmers by a questionnaire with 53 items and 9 dimensions, The structure equation model with LISREL version 10.1 was used to analyzed. The second step was establishing the integration causal relationship model and assesses the possibility of the model by 7 experts; focus group discussion technique was use collected data. The results showed that;

1. The causal relationship of developing model in Thai young elite swimmers were including 9 model which included 1) management structure and policy; 2) equipment, 3) location and facilities; 4) budget and budget management; 5) welfare and morale of athletes and coaches; 6) coach development program; 7) selection of swimmer to be members and representing clubs for competitive; 8) national and international competitions and
9) sport science and research. Moreover, the effectiveness factors of the 9 model as 6 dimension as follows; 1) member satisfaction; 2) club’s adaptability; 3) club’s efficacy; 4) club’s subsistence; 5) club’s performance and 6) club’s development.
2. The developing of an integration causal relationship model in Thai young elite swimmers should be done by 9 models can lead to assess effectiveness of an integration causal relationship model in Thai young elite swimmers.

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