Marketing Mix Analysis of Tennis10s Business in Bangkok
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This research aims to (1) analyze the marketing mix of Tennis 10s in Bangkok (2) compare the marketing mix of Tennis 10s in Bangkok by classifying the parents into different groups. This study is a survey study-based descriptive research using questionnaires as a tool to collect data. The sample of this study were parents whose child is under the age of 10 in Bangkok, being classified into 3 groups: parents who select Tennis 10S, parents who select other types of sport, parents who do not select any types of sport. The sample consists of 405 persons in total. The data were statistically analyzed in terms of frequency, percentages, means, standard deviation and One-way ANOVA. The results show as follow.
(1) Level of agreement toward an overall marketing mix of Tennis 10s was at the highest level (M=4.44, SD=0.47). Agreement level on product was at high level (M=4.46, SD=0.51). Agreement level on price was at high level (M=4.45, SD=0.58). Agreement level on place and facilities was at high level (M=4.46, SD=0.54). Agreement level on promotion was at high level (M=4.24, SD=0.58). Agreement level on personnel was at the highest level (M=4.50, SD=0.53). Agreement level on physical evidence was at high level (M=4.44, SD=0.49). Agreement level on process was at the highest level (M=4.53, SD=0.57).
(2) In terms of the result of comparing the difference in parents’ agreement’s mean affecting the marketing mix of Tennis 10s, overall, after classifying the parents into groups, it could be found that it was statistically significant different at the .01 (F = 18.27, p =.00). Thus, Bonferroni’s method was applied to the comparison involving simple pairwise and it was found that agreement’s mean of parents who were customers of Tennis10 in Bangkok comparing to those who were customers of other types of sport on the marketing mix was different at the statistical significant level of .01 as the agreement’s mean of the parents who used the facilities and service of Tennis10s was higher than those were customers of other types of sport.
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Critical thinking in journals is the right of the author. The Association of Health Education, Physical Education and Recreation of Thailand is not always required, to create diversity in ideas and creativity.
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