Effects of Physical Education Learning Management Based on Kohlberg’s Theory on Moral Ethic and Basic Skills In Taekwondo of Eighth Grade Students
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The purpose of this research was to 1) to compare the mean scores of moral ethic and basic skills in Taekwondo before and after the experiment of the experimental group students who were assigned the physical education learning management based on Kohlberg’s theory and the control group students who were learning Taekwondo as normal 2) to compare the mean scores of moral ethic and basic skills in Taekwondo after the experiment of the experimental group students who were assigned the physical education learning management based on Kohlberg’s theory and the control group students who were learning Taekwondo as normal. The sample was 68 eighth grade students from school affiliated with Office of the Basic Education Commission divided into 34 experimental group students and 34 control group students were be Simple Random Sampling. The research instruments were 8 lesson plan, 1 day a week, each has 60 minutes and composed of 8 physical education lesson plans based on Kohlberg’s theory with IOC of 0.89, the assessment form of moral ethic and quality level assessment criteria with IOC of 0.98 and 0.98 respectively, and the test of basic skills in Taekwondo and quality level assessment criteria with IOC 0.98 and 0.98 respectively. The data were analyzed by means, standard deviation and t-test. The results were as follows: 1) The mean scores of moral ethic and basic skills in Taekwondo of the experimental group students were
significantly higher than before the experiment at 0.5 level. 2) The mean scores of moral ethic and basic skills in Taekwondo after the experiment of the experimental group
students were significantly higher than the control group at 0.5 level. Conclusion: physical education learning management based on kohlberg’s theory on moral ethic and basic skills in taekwondo of eighth grade students can make the students have a better moral ethic and basic skills in taekwondo
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Critical thinking in journals is the right of the author. The Association of Health Education, Physical Education and Recreation of Thailand is not always required, to create diversity in ideas and creativity.
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