Effects of Physical Education Learning Management Based on Thorndike’s Concept on Leadership and Learning Achievement on of Seventh Gadg Students
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The purposes of this study were 1) to compare the average score of Leadership and Achievement of Physical Education; before and after of the experimental group earning physical education learning management based on Thorndike's Concept and the control group earning conventional teaching method. 2) to compare the average score of Leadership and Achievement of Physical Education; after the experimental between group earning physical education learning management based on Thorndike's Concept and the control group learning conventional teaching method. A sample was selected from 62 students grade 7 of School. Thirty one students were assigned to the experimental group while the other thirty one students were assigned to the control group. The research instruments composed of 1) sixteen physical education lesson plans based on Thorndike’s Concept 2) the assessment of leadership and 3) physical education achievement measurement. With the IOC equal to 0.92, 0.82 and 1.00 respectively. The data was analyzed by Means, Standard Deviations and t-test.
The research findings were as follows; 1) The average score of Leadership and Achievement of Physical Education of the experimental group after implementation was
significantly higher than before implementation at .05 level. 2) The average score of Leadership and Achievement of Physical Education of the experimental group after implementation was significantly higher than the control group at .05 level.
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Critical thinking in journals is the right of the author. The Association of Health Education, Physical Education and Recreation of Thailand is not always required, to create diversity in ideas and creativity.
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