Administrative Model for Sport Development Fund of Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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The purpose of this research was to create an administrative model for sport development fund of Lao’s People Democratic Republic (AMSDF). The Delphi technique was applied to collect data with 3 round process by open-ended questions and then the rating scale questionnaire from 20 experts. The median and interquartile ranges were used to analyze and determine the data. The analysis, criteria in the last round were by median more than 3.50 and interquartile ranges not over 1.50. The AMSDF was confirmed by focus group discussion with 8 experts.
The result of the research showed that the AMSDF can actually be used appropriately, flexibility, creating benefits and in accordance with the policy and the sports development strategic plan of Laos PDR comprised 6 main factors which are 1) policies and law 2) main source of fund 3) responsible organization 4) management process 5) outcomes and 6) beneficiary.
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