Motor Educability of Grade 1-3 Students at Huasai (Reunprachaban) School Nakhon Si Thammarat Province

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Sawarot Phonchoo
Kornrawee Boonchai
Panu Sriwisut


           The purposes of this research were: 1) to study and to compare motor educability of male and female students among Prathom Suksa 1, 2 and 3, and 2) to compare motor educability between male and female students of Prathom Suksa 1, 2 and 3 of the first semester, 2019, Huasai (Reunprachaban) School, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. The researcher selected Iowa-Brace Test for measuring motor educability. The test consists of 21 items, and the reliability of the Iowa-Brace test was 0.89 in a good level. The population comprised of 155 grade 1 students, 73 boys and 82 girls, 168 grade 2 students, 79 boys and 89 girls, and 155 grade 3 students, 79 boys and 76 girls of Huasai (Reunprachaban) School, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. The One-Way Analysis of Variance, and LSD methods used to analyze the data.

       The results were as follows:

  1. The motor educability scores of Prathom Suksa 3 male students were significantly better than those of Prathom Suksa 1 and Prathom Suksa 2 students at the .05 level.

  2. The motor educability scores of Prathom Suksa 2 male students were significantly better than those of Prathom Suksa 1 students at the .05 level.

  3. The motor educability scores of Prathom Suksa 3 female students were significantly better than those of Prathom Suksa 1 and Prathom Suksa 2 students at the .05 level.

  4. The motor educability scores of Prathom Suksa 2 female students were significantly better than those of Prathom Suksa 1 students at the .05 level.

  5. The motor educability scores of Prathom Suksa 1 male students were significantly better than those of Prathom Suksa 1 female students at the .05 level.

  6. The motor educability scores between male and female of Prathom Suksa 2 students were not significantly different at the .05 level.

  7. The motor educability scores between male and female of Prathom Suksa 3 students were not significantly different at the .05 level.


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