สมรรถนะที่พึงประสงค์ของผู้ตัดสินกีฬาแฮนด์บอล ตามความคิดเห็นของผู้ควบคุมทีม และนักกีฬาในการแข่งขันกีฬาแห่งชาติ ครั้งที่ 44 (“นครสวรรค์เกมส์” THE DESIRABLE COMPETENCY OF HANDBALL REFEREES ACCORDING TO THE OPPINIONS OF TEAM MANAGERS AND PLAYERS IN THAILAND NATIONAL GAMES 44th“NAKHONSAWAN GAMES”)

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ธนวัชร สิทธิชาติบูรณะ



The purpose of this research was to study The Desirable Competency of Handball Referees According to the Opinions of Team Managers and Players in Thailand National Games 44th “NAKHONSAWAN GAMES” The population accessible of this research were to 468 people divided into team managers of 84 people and athletes of 384 people. The instrument was a questionnaire created by the researcher. The content validity was determined by 7 experts precision the index of item-objective congruence (IOC) between 0.71 to 1.00 and a reliability score by finding correlation with Cronbach's 

(α-coefficient) a confidence issue 0.96. The data were analyzed by using statistics calculate the average median (μ) and sigma (σ). 

The results revealed that: 

1. The opinions of the team managers on desirable competencies of Handball Referee in knowledge and personality domains were highest level and the ability to judge domains were high level.

2. The opinions of the players on desirable competencies of Handball Referee in knowledge, The personality and the ability to judge domains were high level.

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Research Articles