การศึกษาพฤติกรรมการออกกำลังกายของนักเรียน โรงเรียนสาธิต “พิบูลบำเพ็ญ” มหาวิทยา (THE STUDY EXERCISE BEHAVIORS OF STUDENTSPIBOONBUMPEN DEMONSTRATION SCHOOL BURAPHAUNIVERSITY )

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โสภณ อาภรณ์ศิริโรจน์


The purpose of this research is aimed 1) to examine the workout behavior on cognitive, attitude, and exercise practical dimensions of the students of the Piboonbumpen Demonstration School Burapha University, and 2) to compare the workout behavior between male and female students, and 3) to compare workout behavior between the junior and senior high school students. In present study, the sample included a total of 360 students who are currently high school students, Mathayom 1–6, in second semester of the academic year 2015. The researcher-developed questionnaire was instrumental to collect data and data collection was conducted by the researcher. In data analysis, the statistic means implemented included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t–test at the significance level of .05.

             The findings were found that:-

  1. Most students of the Piboonbumpen Demonstration School Burapha University had workout behavior moderately on workout knowledge, and highly on cognition, and moderately on workout practices.

  2. Male and female students had workout behavior on workout knowledge differently at the significance level .05

  3. Male and female students had no difference in workout behavior on attitude and practice at significance level .05.

  4. The Junior and senior high school students had no difference in workout behavior on knowledge, attitude, and practice at significance level .05.

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Research Articles