Behavior and Barriers in Exercise of Muslim Junior High School Students in Serithai School Group
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The purpose of research was to study behavior and barriers in exercise of Muslim junior high school students in Serithai School Group. The population were 735 Muslim students, 479 males and 256 females. Research instrument was the questionnaire of behavioral and exercise’s barriers in Muslim junior high school student constructed by researcher. The content validity evaluated with the index of item-objective congruence (which developed by Rovinelli and Hambleton was 0.6-1.0. The reliability coefficient of a questionnaire was 0.87 by using Cronbach alpha coefficient method. Statistical analysis included percentage, mean and standard deviation.
The finding was as flows: 1) Most Muslim junior high school students had normal weight and height. 2) The purpose of exercising was to health promotion. By exercising 1-2 times a week, each time took 20-30 minutes with moderate intensity. Choose to exercise on
Wednesday during 15.00-18.00 hrs. 3) Most Muslim students exercised with friends and were exercise suit, use the school's stadium for exercise. 4) Students exercised each time with moderate intensity, and had a warm-up before exercise sometimes, used the most muscle stretching to warm-up, and there was cool-down after exercise by stretching the muscles in various parts. 5) Most Muslim students used the type of exercise to develop physical fitness, selected jogging as an exercise activity to develop cardiorespiratory fitness, and used stretching by full rang of motion 10-15 second per position and increased the intensity by adding the number of sets to develop muscular flexibility. Muslim student used weight training equipment to improve muscle strength and endurance. 6) The barriers to exercise that were at the high level of Mathayom Suksa 1 male students, and Mathayom Suksa 1 and 2 femalestudents did not like exercising alone, tired of studying need to sleep more, and no time to exercise. For Mathayom Suksa 2 male students did not like exercise alone, the weather was not pleasant, no time to exercise. While the barriers to exercise that were at the high level of Mathayom Suksa 3 male students did not like exercise alone, the weather was not pleasant, and the doctrines and ordinances prescribed by the religion, and Mathayom suksa 3 female students did not like exercising themselves alone, place to exercise, and the doctrines and ordinances prescribed.
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Critical thinking in journals is the right of the author. The Association of Health Education, Physical Education and Recreation of Thailand is not always required, to create diversity in ideas and creativity.
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