Undergraduates’ English Using Community-based Learning to Promote Community Product Oral Presentation Abilities
Community-based learning, Community products, Oral presentationAbstract
This research aims to 1) study the effect of English language learning among undergraduate students using community-based learning on students' presentation skills, and 2) investigate the opinions of community product entrepreneurs on the presentation of community products. The sample for this research consisted of 57 students majoring in English at the Faculty of Education, using a purposive sampling method. The research design is an action research focusing on experiential learning in the form of community-based learning, employing a single-group design and conducting a follow-through planned variation study based on the concepts of Best & Kahn (2006: 184), testing post-instruction against a 70% quantitative passing criterion for the presentation of community products along with quality criteria for community product presentations being at a good level or higher. The research instruments consist of: 1) a lesson plan, 2) an evaluation form for the ability to present community products, and 3) a satisfaction assessment form for the presentation of a video clip about community products in Tha Ma-O. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics to determine means and standard deviations.
The study found that community-based learning helps the sample students to connect cultural information to the community in their storytelling about community products, achieving a presentation quality at a good level or higher, with an average presentation score of 17.82. The satisfaction evaluation of the video presentation had an average score of 3.73, indicating a high level of satisfaction.
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