The Characteristics of Vernacular House for Ethnic Groups Saek in Tha Kaek Khammuan Province, Lao PDR


  • Lakkana Anongchai Faculty of Architecture,Silpakorn University
  • Adisorn Srisaowanunt Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn University


Vernacular Architecture, Local identity in Vernacular, Cultural Baggage


This article examined the architectural arrangement of the houses belonging to the Saek ethnic community, as a component of the investigation into the cultural baggage of the Saek ethnic group.
Field studies were conducted to gather data on vernacular architecture, specifically focusing on community planning and the positioning of houses within the Saek ethnic group. The research was carried out in Thakhek city, Khammouane Province, People's Democratic Republic of Laos. The study area encompassed the villages where the Saek ethnic group resides, which still maintains its intangible cultural heritage, including language in kinship systems. The four villages included in the study were Tha Khae Village, Thok Village, Nayo Village, and Phon Sawang Village. The aim of the research was to gain a comprehensive understanding of the overall adaptation and changes in the physical context of the area, particularly in relation to community planning and the location of houses within the Saek ethnic group. The research findings indicate that the Saek ethnic community's layout predominantly follows the roof ridge line along the Mekong River. Additionally,
the proximity of settlements to communal water sources is not considered a necessary requirement for planning. The community or the ridge of the home aligns with the natural water flow, while also choose to orient the front of the house towards the sacred location or temple based on the cultural traditions passed down through generations. This practice is regarded a defining feature of the notion of cultural heritage.


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How to Cite

Anongchai, L., & Srisaowanunt, A. . (2023). The Characteristics of Vernacular House for Ethnic Groups Saek in Tha Kaek Khammuan Province, Lao PDR. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 17(3), 176–190. retrieved from



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