Development of a Program to Enhance Transformational Leadership of School Administrators under Surin Secondary Educational Service Area Office


  • Chaiyaporn Samransuk Faculty of Education, Mahasarakham University
  • Surachet Noirid Faculty of Education, Mahasarakham University


Development of the Program, Enhance change leadership, Surin Secondary Educational Service Area Office


This research aimed to; 1) study current conditions, desirable conditions, and the needs to enhance transformational leadership of school administrators and 2) develop the program to enhance transformational leadership of school administrators under Surin Secondary Educational Service Area Office. It consisted of 4 modules: Module 1 was ideological influence, Module 2 was inspiration, Module 3 was stimulation of intellectual use, and Module 4 was consideration of individuality.

              The samples were 299 school administrators, vice- administrators, and head of department selected by stratified random sampling. The instruments used in the research were questionnaires, semi-structured interview form, and evaluation forms of suitability and feasibility of the program. The data were analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, and needs index. The results showed that,

  1. The current conditions of transformational leadership of school administrators were overall at the medium level. The desirable conditions of transformational leadership of school administrators were overall in the highest level. The needs assessment which arranged from the most importance to the least importance were ideological influence, individual consideration, inspiration, and the stimulation of intelligence usage.

            2. The program to enhance transformational leadership of school administrators under Surin Secondary Educational Service Area Office in overall of the program evaluation found that the appropriate and the possibilities were at the highest level.


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How to Cite

Samransuk, C., & Noirid, S. (2023). Development of a Program to Enhance Transformational Leadership of School Administrators under Surin Secondary Educational Service Area Office. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 17(3), 23–36. retrieved from



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