Factors affecting the Creative Leadership of Students in the Faculty of Education, Thailand National Sports University, Chon Buri Campus


  • Wetanee Sornphlang Teacher of Health and Physical Education Department Watmainernpayom School
  • Lalita Magmee Faculty of Education, Thailand National Sports University Chonburi Campus
  • Benjamas Bureewan Faculty of Education, Thailand National Sports University Chonburi Campus,
  • Chalita Chomseeda Teacher of Health and Physical Education Department Chonradsadornumrung School
  • thitipong sukdee Faculty of Education, Thailand National Sport University Chon Buri Campus


Leadership, Creative Leadership, Students in the Faculty of Education


The purposes of this research were to study correlation and create equations to predict the creative leadership of students in the Faculty of Education, Thailand National Sports University, Chon Buri Campus. The samples consisted of 200 students were selected using stratified random sampling from students at the Faculty of Education, Thailand National Sport University, Chon Buri Campus in academic years 2022. The research instrument was a rating-scale questionnaire (IOC=0.60-1.00, α = 0.89). The data were then analyzed in terms of Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis.

              The research results found that 1) the factors learning management, creative thinking and creative leadership were at a high level. While student development activities, open learning environment and motivation were at a moderate level. 2) All factors had a positive correlation with creative leadership with statistical significance at the level of .01. 3) Indicated that the factors that could predict the creative leadership of students in the faculty of education, Thailand National Sports University, Chon Buri Campus with statistical significance at the level of .01 comprised these 3 factors arranged from the most impactful factors to
the least.: creative thinking (X4); student development activities (X2); and open learning environment (X3). These 3 factors could predict the creative leadership efficiency with a percentage of 74.50. The significantly predicted equations were as follows:

              In term of raw scores were:

                   Y/ = -0.283 + 0.426(X4) + 0.356(X2) + 0.317(X3)

              In term of standard scores were:

                        Z/Y = 0.399(Z X 4) + 0.327(ZX 2 + 0.282(ZX3


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How to Cite

Sornphlang, W., Magmee, L., Bureewan, B., Chomseeda, C., & sukdee, thitipong. (2023). Factors affecting the Creative Leadership of Students in the Faculty of Education, Thailand National Sports University, Chon Buri Campus. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 17(3), 12–22. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/reru/article/view/265622



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