Guidelines for Development and Value-Added Cultural Capital of Nasang Subdistrict, Selaphum District, Roi Et Province


  • Prapaporn Ratano Roi Et Rajabhat University
  • Aran Aranyamat Roi Et Rajabhat University
  • Yokkhaw Somwang Roi Et Rajabhat University
  • Suksan Tapthimhin Roi Et Rajabhat University


cultural capital, value-added, Roi Et


Roi Et province is unique in its culture and aims to develop and add value to cultural products to concretely improve the quality of life of the local people. Na Saeng sub-district, Selaphum district, Roi Et province has a cultural capital that is outstanding in terms of beliefs, traditions, handicrafts. Guidelines for development and value-added cultural capital of Nasang subdistrict, Selaphum district Roi Et province has objectives to analyze the potential of cultural capital and to create guidelines for developing and creating value-added cultural capital in Nasang sub-district, Selaphum district, Roi Et province. It is qualitative research. Data were collected by interviewing and focus group discussion. Key informants included community leaders, village philosophers, representative of the professional group, and community marketing communications academics. Content analysis was applied based on conceptual frameworks, theories, and related research and synthesized the information presented in a descriptive form.

              The results of the research revealed that the cultural capital of Na Saeng sub-district, Selaphum district, Roi Et province had outstanding potential such as knowledge from local wisdom scholars, local wisdom on Suea Kok (mat weaving), history, natural resources, professional groups, tradition, religious places. Opportunities that lead to adding value to cultural capital, such as provincial-level policies at the national level that promotes cultural capital, educational institutions in the area that can develop spatial integration with teaching and learning. Popular trend of handicraft products, the COVID-19 situation caused the migration of working age people in the area, communication technology facilitates marketing communication. Guidelines for development and creation of added value cultural capital of Na Saeng sub-district, Selaphum district, Roi Et province can be concluded with the cultural value chain I3C consisting of searching for community identity, collaboration, innovation and communication.


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How to Cite

Ratano, P., Aranyamat, A., Somwang, Y., & Tapthimhin, S. (2023). Guidelines for Development and Value-Added Cultural Capital of Nasang Subdistrict, Selaphum District, Roi Et Province. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 17(3), 37–47. retrieved from



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