Increasing the Efficiency of Law Enforcement to Solve the Problem of Illegal Working of Migrant Workers in Samut Songkhram Province


  • Natthaphon Bumrungratchapakdee Royal Police Cadet Academy
  • Seksan Khrukham Royal Police Cadet Academy


Law enforcement enhancement, Illegal working, Migrant workers


              The objectives of this research were 1) to investigate the problem of illegal working of migrant workers 2) to study the obstacles in law enforcement for solving the problem of illegal working of migrant workers 3) to suggest the ways to increase the efficiency of law enforcement to solve the problem of illegal working of migrant workers. This study was qualitative research that collected data by using interview form. The 15 key informants who were officials in Samut Songkhram. The important research findings found that 1) the problems related to illegal working among migrant workers including social problems, livelihood problems, public health problems, rights violations problems, migrant workers' organization problems, and policy and law problems, 2) the obstacles in law enforcement in terms of policy compliance processes, migrant worker management, and the economy. The key recommendations for enhancing law enforcement efficiency including law enforcement officers involved should have strict enforcement and enhancing the operators’ skills training should be provided.  All relevant sectors, both public and private, should integrate cooperation and establish the organization for co-employing migrant workers. 


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How to Cite

Bumrungratchapakdee, N. ., & Khrukham, S. (2023). Increasing the Efficiency of Law Enforcement to Solve the Problem of Illegal Working of Migrant Workers in Samut Songkhram Province. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 17(2), 167–175. Retrieved from



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