The Application of the Theory of Motivation Modern Human Resource Management to Work in the Organization


  • Ing-orn Tanphan Kasembundit University
  • Tosaporn Mahamud , Graduate school of Business Administration, Kasembundit University
  • Ekasit Sanamthong Ramkhamhaeng University


Motivation, Human resource, Organization


With the advent of the digital age, there has been a notable shift in the organizational paradigm, leading individuals to adopt diverse approaches towards employment.The human resource department assumes a crucial role in effectively managing employee motivation inside a firm, ultimately contributing to
the attainment of a competitive advantage. Therefore, the purpose of writing this academic paper is to study the application of motivation theory in modern human resource management of working in an organization. This research examines employee deviations in order to develop a strategy for establishing motivational requirements inside an organization. The objective is to get insight into the desires of employees and effectively address their needs, drawing upon Abraham Maslow's framework for understanding human physiological needs. The event will encompass case studies showcasing cutting-edge research conducted in 2021. These case studies will serve as examples of learning methodologies that effectively serve to
the requirements of contemporary human resources. Notably, the event will delve into Frederick Herzberg's two-factor theory, which holds significant relevance in the realm of work motivation. Additionally, McGregor's X and Y theory will be explored to foster comprehension of distinct personality types for comprehensive content management. This article has the potential to contribute to the improvement of higher education teaching and human resource practices inside organizations. It aims to enhance comprehension of the content and the author's perspective on establishing a human resource management system that fosters knowledge and facilitates the development of employees' work potential. 


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How to Cite

Tanphan, I.- orn, Mahamud , T., & Sanamthong, E. (2023). The Application of the Theory of Motivation Modern Human Resource Management to Work in the Organization. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 17(2), 267–277. retrieved from



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