Development of an Appropriate Area-Based Internal Supervision Model under the Office of Mahasarakham Primary Educational Service Area 1


  • Polpisit Talason Faculty of Education, Rajabhat Mahasarakham University
  • Urasa Promta Faculty of Education, Mahasarakham Rajabhat University
  • Chumnian Poollaharn Faculty of Education, Mahasarakham Rajabhat University


Model development, Internal supervision, Area-Based


              The objectives of this research were: 1) to study elements or components and indicators of internal supervision, 2) to study the current and desirable condition of internal supervision, and 3) to develop the model of an appropriate area-based internal supervision for the school. There were 3 phases of research, Phase 1: the study of factors and indicators of supervision in schools. Phase 2: the study of the current and desirable condition of internal supervision for schools under the Office of Mahasarakham Primary Educational Service Area 1 by studying a sample group consisting of 440 people including 140 school directors and 300 teachers. Phase 3: the development of the appropriate internal supervision model for school by studying 3 best practice and drafting the appropriate internal supervision model for the school. The tentative model was assured and in-depth interviews with 9 experts. The research findings found that 1) the appropriate area-based internal supervision in schools consisted of 10 factors and 50 indicators. 2) the current condition of the school overall was at the middle level and needs overall and each aspect was at a high level. 3) the appropriate area-based internal supervision for schools under the Office of Mahasarakham Primary Educational Service Area 1 consisted of 1) the principle of the model 2) the objective of the model 3) the operating mechanism
4) factors of internal supervision consisted of the staff, structure of supervision, plan for supervision, the information communication and technology system, the supervision technique, instruments using for supervision, supervising, analyzing results of supervision, evaluating supervision, and extending results of supervision and 5) the conditions of success


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How to Cite

Talason, P., Promta, U., & Poollaharn, C. (2023). Development of an Appropriate Area-Based Internal Supervision Model under the Office of Mahasarakham Primary Educational Service Area 1. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 17(1), 231–240. retrieved from



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