The Development of Analytical Reading Ability in Thai Language Learning Course of Grade 11 Students by Using NHT Cooperative Group. Khemmarat Pittayakom School Secondary Education Service Area Office, District 29, Khemrat District, Ubon Ratchathani Province


  • Santi Thipphana Faculty of Education, Roi Et Rajabhat University
  • Sirilak Kenmee Faculty of Education, Roi Et Rajabhat University


Development of Ability, Analytical Reading, NHT Cooperative Group Activities


              The objectives of this study were (1) to develop analytical reading activities of grade 11 students using the NHT cooperative group with efficiency according to 80/80 criteria, (2) to find the index of effectiveness of the analytical reading activity plan of grade 11 students using the NHT cooperative group, and (3) to study the satisfaction of grade 11 students using the NHT cooperative group towards this learning methodologies. The participants in this research were 32 students in grade 11 or Mathayomsuksa 5/3, Khemarat Pittayakom School, semester 1 of the academic year 2020, collected by using purposive sampling. The instruments
of this study were 1) learning lesson plans, 2) the learning achievement test with multiple-choice, with the item discrimination between 0.21-0.55 and reliability at 0.79. and 3) the students’ satisfaction form with 5 rating scale with the item discrimination between 1.91-5.48 and reliability at 0.91. Statistic used for data analysis were mean, percentage, and standard deviation. The results showed that

  1. lesson plans for developed the analytical reading ability of grade 11 students using NHT cooperative group activities which resulted in the efficiency value was 85.57/82.81.
  2. the effectiveness index of the development of analytical reading ability in Thai language learning course of grade 11 students by using NHT cooperative group was 0.6135. This result meant that after participating in this learning method, the learner’s scores were 61.35% higher than the pre-test.
  3. Grade 11 students’ satisfaction was fully showed the highest level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.64).


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How to Cite

Thipphana, S., & Kenmee, S. (2022). The Development of Analytical Reading Ability in Thai Language Learning Course of Grade 11 Students by Using NHT Cooperative Group. Khemmarat Pittayakom School Secondary Education Service Area Office, District 29, Khemrat District, Ubon Ratchathani Province. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 16(1), 255–266. Retrieved from



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