Innovative Leadership of School Administrators affecting Teaching Behavior of Teachers in Surin Primary Education Service Area Office 2


  • Ratchanida Kareerat Faculty of Education, Roi Et Rajabhat University
  • Yuwathida Chapanya Faculty of Education, Roi Et Rajabhat University


Innovative leadership, Teaching behavior of teachers, Surin primary education service area office 2, Surin primary education service area office 2


              The purposes of this research were to study 1) innovative leadership of school administrators,
2) teaching behavior of teachers, and 3) innovative leadership of school administrators affecting teaching behavior of teachers. The sampling group consisted of 472 school administrators and teachers in Surin primary education service area office 2 by Taro Yamane’s formula. Proportional random sampling by district areas and simple random sampling were utilized to select the participants for the study. The sampling group consisted of 472 school administrators and teachers in Surin primary education service area office 2 by Taro Yamane’s formula. Proportional random sampling by district areas and simple random sampling were utilized to select the participants for the study. Research instrument for collecting the data was a five - point rating scale questionnaire. The consistency index of each item was 0.6 - 1.00. The reliability
in innovative leadership of school administrators was 0.837 and the reliability in teaching behavior of teachers was 0.798. Statistical analysis of the data involved percentage, mean, standard deviation and correlation of Pearson Product Moment. Stepwise multiple regression was employed to test the hypothesis.

              The findings of the research revealed that; 1) the innovative leadership of administrators as an overall was a high level. When considering in each aspect, there were 4 aspects also rated at a high level except the aspect of teamwork, and creating of innovation organization which was also rated at the highest. 2) the behavior of teaching as an overall was a high level. When considering in each aspect, the aspect of learning management, and measurement and evaluation which was also rated at the highest. And 3) the four aspects of innovative leadership of administrators affecting behavior of teaching; motivated creation (X5), problem solving and creating innovative (X3), creativity (X2), and change in vision (X1). These predictors could affect and predict 23.30 percent of behavior of teaching with statistical significance at the .05 level. These could be formed as the regression equations of unstandardized score and standardized score as follows;

                   The Regression Equation of Unstandardized Score:

                        Y´ = 2.843 + 0.138X + 0.104X3 + 0.081X + 0.058X1

                         The Regression Equation of Standardized Score:

                        Z´y = 0.238ZX5 + 0.212ZX3 + 0.151ZX2 + 0.096ZX1


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How to Cite

Kareerat, R., & Chapanya, Y. (2022). Innovative Leadership of School Administrators affecting Teaching Behavior of Teachers in Surin Primary Education Service Area Office 2. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 16(3), 138–153. retrieved from



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