The Development of Learning Achievement in Graph and Linear Relations and Mathematics Problem Solving Ability of Grade 7 Students by Applying Cooperative Learning with POLYA Approach: Mixed–Methods Research


  • pawadee suandee Education Mahasarakham University
  • Yannapat SeehamongKon Faculty of Education, Mahasarakham University


The Development of Learning Achievement, Mathematics problem solving ability, Mixed–methods research


              The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the guidelines for develop learning activities by applying cooperative learning and POLYA approach; 2) to compare students’ learning achievement in graph and linear relations and mathematics problem solving ability who learnt through cooperative learning and POLYA approach; and 3) to study students satisfaction toward applying cooperative learning and POLYA approach. The samples were 60 students in Grade 7, academic year of 2019, Watprachanimit School selected by purposive sampling. The research instruments were teaching plans, the achievement test, the mathematical problem ability solving test, and questionnaire of student, satisfaction. Statistics used were Mean, Standard deviation, and One–way MANOVA.

              The results were: 1) Learning through applying Cooperative Learning and POLYA  approach consist of 4 procedures , preparing, activities operation, skills training , summary and evaluation; 2) Students who learnt through applying cooperative learning and POLYA approach  in graph and linear relations have had higher scores and ability to solve the problems more than students who learnt by  traditional approach at .05 level of statistically Significant; and 3) The satisfaction of students toward learning approach were at the highest level.


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How to Cite

suandee, pawadee, & SeehamongKon, Y. (2022). The Development of Learning Achievement in Graph and Linear Relations and Mathematics Problem Solving Ability of Grade 7 Students by Applying Cooperative Learning with POLYA Approach: Mixed–Methods Research. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 16(2), 14–23. retrieved from



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