A Construction of Performance Evaluation Form of Experimental Physics in Learning Unit of Direct Current Electricity for Muthayomsuksa 5 Students


  • Suriya Phopiasri Faculty of Education, Mahasarakham University
  • Oranuch Wara-asawapati Srisa-ard Faculty of Education, Mahasarakham University


Performance evaluation form, Experimental physics, Direct Current Electricity


              The purposes of this research were (1) to construct of performance evaluation form of experimental physics in learning unit of direct current electricity for Muthayomsuksa 5 students and (2) to evaluate
the quality of performance evaluation form of experimental physics. The sample of this research was selected by purposive sampling of 62 students in Muthayomsuksa 5 students in the academic year 2019. The research tool was performance evaluation form of experimental physics. The statistics used for analyzing the collected data were mean, standard deviation, discrimination, and reliability.

              The results showed that 1) the construction of performance evaluation form of experimental physics had content validity based on index of consistency (IOC) values ranging from 0.80 to 1.00, average of discrimination values ranging from 0.350 to 0.778, Inter-rater reliability values ranging from 0.981 to 0.989, average of reliability values of instruments ranging from 0.891 to 0.911 and 2) an evaluation the quality of performance evaluation form of experimental physics showed that average of concurrent validity values are ranging from 0.927
to 0.957, average of discrimination values are ranging from 0.431 to 0.753. Inter-rater reliability values are ranging from 0.900 to 0.933. and average of reliability values of instruments are ranging from 0.903 to 0.931.


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How to Cite

Phopiasri, S., & Wara-asawapati Srisa-ard, O. (2022). A Construction of Performance Evaluation Form of Experimental Physics in Learning Unit of Direct Current Electricity for Muthayomsuksa 5 Students. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 16(1), 131–144. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/reru/article/view/247026



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