The Development of English Vocabulary Learning Activities using Language Teaching, Activities for Communication Cooperated with Songs for Grade 1 Students


  • Nittiya Phudonnang Faculty of Education, Rajabhat Mahasarakham University
  • Tipaporn Sujaree Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajabhat Maha sarakham University


Language teaching activities for communication cooperated with songs, English vocabulary learning, Ability of English vocabulary learning


              The purposes of this research were to: 1) develop the language teaching activities for communication cooperated with songs of Prathomsuksa 1 students with the efficiency criteria of 75/75, 2) compare the ability of English vocabulary learning of Prathomsuksa 1 students before and after using language teaching activities
for communication together with songs, and 3) study the satisfaction of Prathomsuksa 1 students towards the organization of language teaching activities for communication by using songs. The subjects of the study were 39 Prathomsuksa 1/3 students in the second semester of academic year 2019 at Anubankittiya School, all of them were selected by using cluster random sampling. The research instruments in this study were: 1) six English learning management lesson plans using language teaching activities for communicate together with songs for Prathomsuksa 1 students, 2) English vocabulary learning ability test is a multiple-choice test of 3 choices with 20 items, and 3) a 9-item Questionnaire of Prathomsuksa 1 students’ satisfaction towards English vocabulary learning languages teaching activities for communication cooperated with songs.
The data was analyzed by using SPSS statistical package, means, standard deviation, percentage and t-test (dependent samples).

              The results of research were as follows: 1) results of language teaching activities for communication cooperated with songs for Prathomsuksa 1 students had the efficiency (E1/E2) of 79.01 / 78.46, which showed higher efficiency than the 75/75 criteria, 2) Prathomsuksa 1 students who learned by using language teaching activities for communication together with songs had the higher ability to learn English vocabulary after the experiment than before the experiment with statistical significance at the level of .05 and 3) students were satisfied towards the English vocabulary activities learning using language teaching activities for communication cooperated with songs of Prathomsuksa 1 students. The overall satisfaction level was at a high level
( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 2.50, S.D. = 0.37).


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How to Cite

Phudonnang, N., & Sujaree, T. (2022). The Development of English Vocabulary Learning Activities using Language Teaching, Activities for Communication Cooperated with Songs for Grade 1 Students. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 16(1), 117–130. retrieved from



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