The Study of Characters’ Behaviors using Psychoanalytic Theories of Sigmund Freud in a Songnaree Novel by Phatcha


  • Uraiwan Singthong Faculty of Education, Roi Et Rajabhat University
  • Titsawan Sankham Faculty of Education, Roi Et Rajabhat University
  • Sirilak Kenmee Faculty of Education, Roi Et Rajabhat University


Behaviors of Main Characters, Psychoanalytic Theory, Songnare Novels


The objective of this research was to analyze behaviors of 4 characters which were Panithee, Panithi, Art and Sant in the Songnaree novel of Phatcha. The research applied Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory as a framework for behavior analysis and presented the results by descriptive analysis. The results of character analysis revealed that Panithee's behaviors included sexually addictive behavior, jealousy, gratefulness, speak reasonably for others to trust, act as a good person, need money and things, aggressive, afraid of revealing secrets, fear of guilt, repression, displacement, projection and reaction formation. Expressed behaviors of Panith were sad, shy, love reserved, gratefulness of benefactors, self-willed, verbal aggression, avoidance, sympathize with others, dependence on others, aggressive, afraid of attack, afraid of accepting new things, repression, projection and sue. While expressed behaviors of Art were not a gentleman, restrain oneself, love fairness, not careful with words, pride, responding to sexual impulses, aggressive, afraid of becoming infected with HIV, displacement ant sham. Finally, behaviors of Sant were unfaithful, restrain oneself, remorseful, retaliation, irritability, annoyance. honest to your lover, retaliation, irritable and annoyed, honest with lover, being worried about other people, responding to sexual impulses, verbal aggression, afraid of becoming infected with HIV, fear of guilt, displacement, projection and sham.


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How to Cite

Singthong, U., Sankham , T., & Kenmee, S. (2021). The Study of Characters’ Behaviors using Psychoanalytic Theories of Sigmund Freud in a Songnaree Novel by Phatcha. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 15(3), 208–218. retrieved from



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