The Loss Reduction of Construction Materials with 7 Quality Control Tools: A Case Study of Siwadon Product Management Company, Khon Kaen Province


  • Naratip Supattananon Lecturer in College of Logisitcs and Supply Chain, Sripatum Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen
  • Ploypim Munkhong College of Logisitcs and Supply Chain, Sripatum Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen
  • Panita Srion College of Logisitcs and Supply Chain, Sripatum Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen
  • Chonlawit Prawanto College of Logisitcs and Supply Chain, Sripatum Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen


7 Quality control tools, Loss, Product handling


The purposes of this research were to study the problems affecting the handling process and to identify the guidelines for loss reduction: a case study of a company. Data were collected from three-month record of cement damage report from August to October 2019. Data collected were then analyzed using Pareto Diagram in order to determine the most severe damaged cement type. The results showed that the most severe damaged cement type was IP + cement with 144 damaged bags. In this regard, the researchers studied and applied 7 quality control tools, fish diagram, and brainstorming as analytic tools to identify the causes of IP + damage as well as to find the solutions. It was found that the said problem resulted from over tightening cement bags by sling strap, causing broken bags. The results showed that before the improvement, an average number of damaged cement bags was 35, meanwhile after the improvement, the value was reduced to 28 bags. This implied the loss reduction of 60%. The process of unsuitable product handling and delivery resulted in product damage from staff’s working. Therefore, regular working control and training to educate staff at Transportation Department could reduce loss.


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How to Cite

Supattananon, N., Munkhong, P., Srion, P., & Prawanto, C. (2021). The Loss Reduction of Construction Materials with 7 Quality Control Tools: A Case Study of Siwadon Product Management Company, Khon Kaen Province . Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 15(2), 51–59. Retrieved from



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