Developing Guidelines to Manage Activities for the Development of Learners in Schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 26


  • Chutima Thaitprasert Faculty of Educational, Mahasarakham University
  • Tatchai Chitnan Faculty of Educational, Mahasarakham University


Managing Development activities, Guidelines for activity management, Development


This research aimed : 1) to study the components and indicators of managing activities for the development of learners, 2) to study the current state and desired state of managing activities for the development of learners, and 3) to develop guidelines to manage activities for the development of learners. The target group consisted of 7 school directors, 13 deputy directors and 296 teachers. The instruments used in this research were an assessment of components and indicators form, a questionnaire, and an assessment of appropriateness form. Statistics employed for data analysis were mean and standard deviation. The results were as follows: 1. The components and indicators of managing activities for development of learners in schools revealed that there were 6 components and 21 indicators. They were: 1) setting objectives and goals with 3 indicators, 2) arranging activities to suit age, maturity, interest, aptitude and ability of learners with 4 indicators, 3) being active learners and teachers as consultants with 4 indicators, 4) cultivating and encouraging consciuos mind for social dedication with 3 indicators, 5) adhering to the principles of participation with 5 indicators, and 6) evaluating the practice of activities with 2 indicators. 2. The current state of managing activities for the development of learners in schools under the secondary educational service area office 26, overall was rated at a low level while the desired state was rated at a high level. 3. The guidelines to manage activities for the development of learners in schools under the secondary educational service area office 26, there were 6 guidelines. These were: 1) setting goals, 2) managing learning activities, 3) defining roles of a teacher, 4) cultivating voluntary mind, and 5) evaluation.


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How to Cite

Thaitprasert, C., & Chitnan, T. . (2020). Developing Guidelines to Manage Activities for the Development of Learners in Schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 26. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 14(1), 62–70. retrieved from



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