The Development of Grade 5 Students Ability in Mathematical Problem Solving by Using KWDL Technique


  • Benjalug Phusamart Maha Sarakham Rajabhat University
  • Nattachai Juntachum Faculty of Education, Maha Sarakham Rajabhat University
  • Thanyaluck Khechornphak Faculty of Education, Maha Sarakham Rajabhat University


Learning activities using KWDL technique, Abilities in mathematics, KWDL technique satisfaction


The purposes of this research were as follow : 1) to develop learning activities on mathematics problem solving by using KWDL technique for grade 5 students with efficiency criteria of 75/75. 2) to study the effectiveness of KWDL learning activities for students in of grade 5 Students. 3) to compare the ability in mathematics problem solving between before and after using KWDL technique and 4) to study the students’ satisfaction on KWDL technique. The sampling group included nine students who are studying in grade 5 Students of Watweruwan School. Research instruments were included of 1) lesson-plan by using KWDL technique, 2) mathematics problem solving test, 3) an achievement test and 4) satisfaction questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis were Mean, Standard Deviation, Percentage and Mann-Whitney U-Test. The findings indicated that 1) learning activities based on KWDL technique had efficiency of 80.16/88.88 which was higher than the established requirement. 2) The effectiveness of learning activity using KWDL techniques was 0.7647, it shown that students had learning progress with the percentage of 76.47 3) After using activities based on KWDL technique, students had higher abilities to solve mathematical problems than before with the statistically significant at .01 level and 4) The students were satisfied with learning activities using KWDL technique at the highest level (gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.57, S.D. = 0.21).


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How to Cite

Phusamart, B., Juntachum, N., & Khechornphak, T. (2021). The Development of Grade 5 Students Ability in Mathematical Problem Solving by Using KWDL Technique. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 15(2), 146–153. Retrieved from



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