Development of Mathematics Learning Activities Using KWDL Technique to Promote Mathematical Problem Solving Abilities and Learning Achievement on Percentage Problem Topic of Grade 6 Students


  • Preeyaphatsanakorn Summart Faculty of Science, Mahasarakham University
  • Nongluk Viriyapong Faculty of Science, Mahasarakham University


KWDL Technique on Mathematics learning activity, Mathematics learning achievement, Mathematical problem solving abilities


The objectives of this study were 1) to develop mathematics learning activities using the KWDL technique for percentage problem topic with the efficiency of 75/75, 2) to find out the effectiveness index of the lesson plans based on learning activities through the KWDL technique, 3) to compare the learning achievements between students who learned based on KWDL technique and traditional approach, and 4) to compare mathematical problem solving abilities of students between the two groups. The samples were 35 students in class 6/1 and 35 students in class 6/4 from Watsratong Municipal School, Roi Et Province. The samples were selected through cluster random sampling. The research instruments included KWDL lesson plans, traditional approach lesson plans, a learning achievement test, and a mathematical problem solving ability test. Statistics for data analysis were percentage, mean, S.D., and t-test (Independent Samples). The results were as follows: 1) The efficiencies of learning activities; based on the KWDL technique was 80.78/80.14 and the traditional approach was 78.98/75.71. 2) The effectiveness index of the KWDL lesson plans was 0.5638 whereas the traditional lesson plans was 0.5014. 3) The students who learned based on KWDL lesson plans had higher post-learning achievements than their counterparts at .05 level of significance (p<.05). 4) The students attending the KWDL classroom had higher post-mathematical problem solving abilities than their counterparts at .05 level of significance (p<.05).


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How to Cite

Summart, P., & Viriyapong, N. (2021). Development of Mathematics Learning Activities Using KWDL Technique to Promote Mathematical Problem Solving Abilities and Learning Achievement on Percentage Problem Topic of Grade 6 Students. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 15(1), 75–86. retrieved from



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