An Excellent School Leadership according to the Principles of Sufficiency Economy: A Study to Create Grounded Theory


  • Narumon Supathong Faculty of Education, Sakon Nakhon Rajabaht University
  • Sawat Pothivat Faculty of Education, Sakon Nakhon Rajabaht University
  • Surat Duangchathom Faculty of Education, Sakon Nakhon Rajabaht University


School leadership, Excellent school according to principles of sufficiency economy, Grounded theory


This research aimed to propose a grounded theoretical conclusion on characteristics, conditions, processes, and consequences arising from the excellent school leadership according to the principles of sufficiency economy. The selected area studies were done through theoretical selection methods and consistent with the objectives of the research. The research instruments were document analysis forms, observation forms, in-depth interview forms, and recordings of group discussion. The key informants were stakeholders who are involved in educational management of excellent schools according to principles of sufficiency economy. Analysis of data was done through data interpretation for the purpose of arriving at a concept based on theoretical sensitivity. The Atlas.t7 software program was utilized to organize the gathered data for rearranging. The findings were as follows: 1) The characteristics of excellent school leadership in accordance with the principles of sufficiency economy involved the schools which have performed using participative management, teamwork, distribution of leader and a work culture focusing on four aspects of achieving goals: Qualitative management aspect, Learning aspect, School-based Management and Administrative functions aspects. 2) Condition and process: External condition including 20-year national strategies and national policies, and internal condition involving educational quality assurance and school visions. The school leadership building processes involved three components: Problem solving and decision making, Continuous task refinement and development, and Development and culture-based success. 3) The consequences of school leadership were categorized into six aspects comprising: students having good academic achievement, desirable characteristics, being happy and proud; Teachers having leadership, self-development and team work, adjusting concepts and behaviors, demonstrating morale; School administrators having fame, honor and pride, and having good characteristics; School being well recognized and a good model, having good environment and good learning resources; Community providing participation, having good relationship and sharing; and Society exhibiting unity and giving importance on education and useful knowledge.


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How to Cite

Supathong , N., Pothivat , S., & Duangchathom , S. (2021). An Excellent School Leadership according to the Principles of Sufficiency Economy: A Study to Create Grounded Theory. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 15(1), 98–109. retrieved from



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