The Proposed Policy For Developing Education Management In Nakhon Phanom Province Based On the 20-Year National Education Plan


  • Vachira Pholphithuk Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University
  • Tawatchai Pailai Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University
  • Ploenpit Thummarat Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University


policy proposals, Educational Management, 20-Year National Education Plan


The purpose of this research is to 1) study the conditions and guidelines for the development province, 2) make policy proposals, and 3) examine and develop into a policy proposal. The research process is divided into 3 phases, the sample were for phase 1 were 316 people, Phase 2, Were 25 people Phase 3, were 100 people the total of samples were 441 people. Tools used to collect data Is questionnaire Interview Statistics used in the research Include Percentage Average Standard deviation. The result of the research shows that 1. Practice conditions and expectations of educational management according to the 20 years national education plan (2017-2036) in Nakhon Phanom province The operating conditions were at a medium level. And have high expectations 2. Policy proposals consist of 6 areas, namely 1) Educational Management for Social Security and the Nation with 3 goals 10 Development guidelines 2) Production and development of manpower, research and innovation to create the country's competitiveness have 3 goals, 11 development guidelines 3) Development of human potential at all ages And creating a learning society with 4 goals, 14 development guidelines, 4) creating opportunity, equality and educational equality, with 3 goals, 10 development approaches, 5) education management to enhance quality of life that is friendly to Environment has 3 goals, 10 development guidelines 6) In the development of the efficiency of the educational management system, there are 4 goals, 8 development guidelines 3. The result of the examination and development on a policy proposal suitability, feasibility, consistency, and usefulness are at the highest level all items


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How to Cite

Pholphithuk, V. ., Pailai, T. ., & Thummarat, P. . (2020). The Proposed Policy For Developing Education Management In Nakhon Phanom Province Based On the 20-Year National Education Plan. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 14(3), 81–92. retrieved from



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