The Development of Core Competency of the Personnel of the Subdistrict Adminstrative Orgnization in Porncharoen District Bung kan Province


  • Paveena Sugun Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Udonthani Rajabhat University
  • Khemmanat Pookongchai Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Udonthani Rajabhat University


Need assessment, Competency, Development


               The aims of this research is to 1) study and compare the essential requirements for competency development in human resource management under Subdistrict Administration Organization in Phon Charoen District, Bung Kan province. 2) It was found that the highest level of essential requirement is for core competency. The high level of essential requirement is for management competency, the moderate level is for job competency in all dimensions.  The research instruments were a questionnaire. The result will be used as a guideline in competency development in human resource management under Subdistrict Administration Organization in Phon Charoen District, Bung Kan province. Purposive sampling was carried out from 139 people, The descriptive Statistics for data analysis, frequency, percentage and standard deviation.                The results are shown below. 1) Real and expected situations about the essential requirements
for competency development in human resource management under Sub-district Administration Organization
in Phon Charoen District, Bung Kan province considering different groups, it was found that the highest essential requirement is for core competency. 2) Comparison between real and expected situations of about the essential requirements for competency development in human resource management under Subdistrict Administration Organization in Phon Charoen District, Bung Kan province, with using Priority Needs Index (PNImodified) showed that arithmetic mean of expected situation is higher than that of real situation in all dimensions. The requirement order is core competency (PNI = 0.66) > management competency (PNI = 0.66) > job competency (PNI = 0.65). 3) Approaches to develop the essential requirements for competency development in human resource management under Subdistrict Administration Organization in Phon Charoen District, Bung Kan province are as follows : Human resources should be trained to have skills in result analysis, risk management, and making appropriate decisions to achieve the organization goals.


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How to Cite

Sugun, P. ., & Pookongchai, K. . (2021). The Development of Core Competency of the Personnel of the Subdistrict Adminstrative Orgnization in Porncharoen District Bung kan Province. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 15(1), 28–38. retrieved from



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