The Guideline for Development of Network Cooperation for Schools under the Office of Secondary Educational Service Area 24


  • Krich Theerangsu Master Student, Program in Educational Administration and Development, Faculty of Education, Mahasarakham University
  • Amnaj Chanawongse Faculty of Education, Mahasarakham University


Network of Cooperation, Cooperation, Guideline for Development


The objectives of the research were 1) to study elements and indicators of a network of cooperation for schools, 2) to study the present condition and desirable condition of a network of cooperation for schools, and 3) to develop the guideline of a network of cooperation for schools. The samples of this research were school administrators and teachers under the Office of Secondary Educational Service Area 24, academic year 2017. There were 398 persons included 76 school administrators and 322 teachers. The sample size determined using the tables of Krejcie and Morgan and selected by random sampling techniques and simple random methods. Tools used for this research included an assessment form for the suitability of the components and indicators of the cooperative network, a questionnaire for current conditions and desirable conditions of cooperation networks, an interview form for guidelines for the development of cooperation networks and an evaluation form for the guidelines for the development of cooperation networks. The statistics used were mean and standard deviation. The results as follows; 1) the elements of a network of cooperation was at the most suitable level and consisted of 4 components, common vision, participation, exchange interaction, and network management. All of them were at the most suitable level. 2) The present condition of all components overall was at the medium level and the desirable condition of all components was at high level. 3) The guideline for development of network cooperation for schools was suitable and possible as a whole at the high level.


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How to Cite

Theerangsu, K., & Chanawongse, A. . (2021). The Guideline for Development of Network Cooperation for Schools under the Office of Secondary Educational Service Area 24. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 15(2), 20–30. Retrieved from



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