The Development of Activity Packages to Change Food Consumption Behavior of Nineth Grade Students


  • Wipaporn Srisulai Faculty of Education, Mahasarakham Rajabhat University
  • Aran Suykaduang Faculty of Education, Mahasarakham Rajabhat University
  • Apantee Poonputta Faculty of Education, Mahasarakham Rajabhat University


Activity packages, Behavior Test, Consumption


The purposes of this research were 1) to develop activity packages to change food consumption behavior of Nineth Grade students. 2) to compare students' learning achievement and food consumption behavior, before and after using activity packages and 3) to study students' satisfaction toward activity packages. Sample group was Nineth Grade students in Pathumrat Pittaya School, consisting of 1 classroom. The research instruments were 1) activity packages to change the food consumption behavior 2) achievement test 3) food consumption behavior test. The statistics used were content accuracy, difficulty, confidence, mean, and standard deviation. And the test (t-test). The results of the research revealed that 1) The food consumption behavior packages, consisted of standard growth situations, physical fitness testing, nutritional status, and choosing food suitable for aged were sitable at a high level of 2) the post-test scores of the students were significantly higher than the pre-test scores at the .05 level and the students had better eating and sanitation behaviors. 3) The students' satisfaction toward learning by using activity packages to change the food consumption behavior of Nineth Grade students were at the highest level.


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How to Cite

Srisulai, W., Suykaduang , A. ., & Poonputta , A. . (2020). The Development of Activity Packages to Change Food Consumption Behavior of Nineth Grade Students. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 14(3), 23–31. retrieved from



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