Problems and Obstacles in Implementing of the Promotion of Supplementary Occupations Project under Her Royal Initiatives in Silalad District, Srisaket Province


  • Adisak Chaisrisuth College of Politics and Govrernonce, Mahasarakham University
  • Prayote Songklin College of Politics and Govrernonce, Mahasarakham University


Problems and Obstacles, Implementing, Promotion Project of Supplementary Occupations under Royal Initiative


This research aimed to examine problems and obstacles in implementing of the Promotion of Supplementary Occupations Project under Her Royal Initiatives in Silalad district, Srisaket province and study guidelines for solving the problems and obstacles. The research was conducted by collecting data from 3 groups of stakeholders with 20 participants; including 1) 10 project members, 2) 4 project staffs, and 3) 6 staffs from the related organizations. This research was a qualitative research with guided interview. The results of the study showed that in human resource aspects, there were problems and obstacles of inadequate human resources with high turnover rate. In budgeting aspect, the research indicated that there was insufficient budget and needed the supporting budget from other government organizations. According to the material aspect, the research found that the project could not provide enough materials and did not have its own vehicles. For the project system aspect, although the project has proper operation system, it lacks of integration between other related agencies. Guidelines for solving problems and obstacles in human resource aspect, the project should not rotate operating heads too often and should provide enough qualified staffs for responsible areas. In budget aspect, they should prepare the budget plan for the next year and inform in proper period of time. In material aspect, they should provide a material management plan in congruence with the annual budgeting. In system aspect, the project staffs should create good relationship with other agencies in order to reduce the gap of cooperation.


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How to Cite

Chaisrisuth , A. ., & Songklin , P. . (2020). Problems and Obstacles in Implementing of the Promotion of Supplementary Occupations Project under Her Royal Initiatives in Silalad District, Srisaket Province. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 14(1), 84–97. Retrieved from



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