Developing Program for Enhancing Teachers’ Competency on Curriculum Administration and Learning Management of the Schools under The Office of Roi-Et Primary Educational Service Area 2


  • อำนวย จันสำโรง M.Ed. Condidate in Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, Mahasarakham University
  • เผชิญ กิจระการ Faculty of Education, Mahasarakam University


Developing Program, Enhancing Teachers’ Competency, Curriculum Administration


The objectives of the research were; 1) to study the elements and indicators of teacher’s competency on curriculum administration and learning management, 2) to study the current state and desirable state of teacher’s competency on curriculum administration and learning management, and 3) to developing a program to enhance teachers’ competency of on curriculum administration and learning management of the school under the office of Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area 2. Phase 1, the 5 experts validated the elements and indicators Phase 2, the samples were 195 school administrators as well as teachers under the Office of Roi Et Primary Education Service Area 2. Phase 3, the 9 who validated the academic leadership enhancement program for the educational institution administrators. The instruments used for data collection were the suitability evaluation form, the questionnaire inquiring about the current state and desirable state, the interview form, and the suitability evaluation form for the program. Statistics used in data analysis were the mean and standard deviation. The results are as follows: 1) The elements and indicators of teacher’s competency on curriculum administration and learning management for the schools under the Office of Roi Et Primary Education Service Area 2 consisted of 5 components and 15 indicators. All of them were suitable at the high level 2) The study revealed that the current state of teacher’s competency on curriculum administration and learning management, in overall and all aspects, was at the high level, and the desirable state of teacher’s competency on curriculum administration and learning management, in overall and all aspects, was at the high level. 3)The result of evaluating program to enhance teacher’s competency on curriculum administration and learning management for schools by the experts found that the suitability were at the high levels.


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How to Cite

จันสำโรง อ., & กิจระการ เ. (2019). Developing Program for Enhancing Teachers’ Competency on Curriculum Administration and Learning Management of the Schools under The Office of Roi-Et Primary Educational Service Area 2. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 13(2), 3–11. retrieved from



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