The Guideline of the Learning Resource Development by Community Participatory Approach for Schools under the Office of Mahasarakham Primary Education Service Area 1


  • Parinya Chantakham Department of Educational Administration, Mahasarakham University,
  • Tatchai Chitnan Department of Educational Administration, Mahasarakham University


Development guidelines, Learning resources, Community participation


The research aimed to: 1) study the components and indicators of the learning resource development by community participatory approach, 2) study the current and desired states of learning resource development by community participatory approach, and 3) present the guideline of learning resource development by community participatory approach. The sample group consisted of 342 participants including; directors or deputy directors, teachers and school boards in schools under the Office of Mahasarakham Primary Education Service Area 1. The instruments used in this research were a component and indicator evaluation form, and a questionnaire to study the current and desired states. The results were as follows: 1) the components of the learning resource development by community participatory approach revealed that there were 12 components: 1.1) surveying learning resources, 1.2) planning, 1.3) implementing, 1.4) encouraging the use of learning resources, 1.5) auditing, 1.6) supervising, monitoring and evaluation, 1.7) improving, 1.8) participation in planning, 1.9) participation in decision making, 1.10) participation in implementing, 1.11) participation in monitoring and evaluation, and 1.12) participation in receiving benefit. 2) The current state in learning resource development by community participatory approach, was rated at a low level and the desired state in learning resource by community participatory approach, was rated at a high level. 3) The guideline of learning resource development by community participatory approach consisted of 3 components: 3.1) working with community, 3.2) working with the learning resources, and 3.3) working with participation of the stake holders.


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How to Cite

Chantakham, P. ., & Chitnan, T. . (2020). The Guideline of the Learning Resource Development by Community Participatory Approach for Schools under the Office of Mahasarakham Primary Education Service Area 1. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 14(1), 98–108. retrieved from



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