The Development of Training Curriculum of Student Librarians for Secondary School Students Under Secondary Educational Service Area Office 22


  • Chanansorn Aunjanthee SakonNakhon Rajabhat University
  • Waro Phengsawat SakonNakhon Rajabhat University
  • Pornthep Steannoppakao SakonNakhon Rajabhat University


The Curriculum Development, The Development of Training Curriculum, Student Librarians


The purposes of this research were to: 1) develop a training course for student librarians, 2) evaluate the effectiveness of the student librarians training course. This research was divided into 4 steps; studying information, theory and concepts, creating and developing the training course, trying out the training course and evaluating and improving the training course. The samples involve 30 students in students librarian club of Na Wa Pittayakom "That Prasit Prachanukroh", Nawa district under Office of Secondary Educational Service Area 22 in the second semester of academic year 2560 selected by specific selecting method. The inspection of training course was evaluated by 5 experts who focus on monitoring compliance and appropriate components of the course. The instruments for collecting data were interview, test, skill evaluation and questionnaire. Statistics used in this study were percentage, mean (gif.latex?\bar{x}), standard deviation (S.D.) and statistical t-test (t-test for dependent samples). The research found that: 1) The student librarians training course consisted of 4 main elements; the aim of the course, the contents, the training process and the measurement and evaluation. 2) The student librarians’ cognition after training is higher than before the training, statistically significant at the 01 level with very high operational skills. The student librarians’ satisfaction toward the training course is at the highest level (gif.latex?\bar{x} =4.95).


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How to Cite

Aunjanthee, C. ., Phengsawat , W. ., & Steannoppakao , P. . (2020). The Development of Training Curriculum of Student Librarians for Secondary School Students Under Secondary Educational Service Area Office 22. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 14(2), 147–152. retrieved from



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