The Development of an Instructional Model to Promote the Ability to Solve Mathematical Problems for for Nineth Grade Students


  • Pramual U-thaisaeng Chumchang Palangrat School, Kuchinarai istrict, Kalasin Province The office of Kalasin Provincial Administrative Organization,


The Development of Instructional Model, Mathematical Problems Solving abilities, Mathematical Solutions


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the basic information and needs for the development of an instructional model 2) to develop the model 3) to experiment and study the effectiveness of the instructional model by comparing the mathematics learning achievement before and after using the instructional model and compare the ability to solve mathematical problems before and after using the instructional model and 4) to evaluate and improve the instructional model based on the study of students' opinions on the use of the instructional model by using the research and development. The sample group was the Grade 9 Students in academic year of 2017, Joomjang Palangraj School. The used tools were; the model, instructional manual, teaching plans, the achievement test, solve mathematical problem ability test, and questionnaire of students' opinions. The data was analyzed by finding mean, standard deviation, independent values and content analysis. The research found that the developed model consisted of followings: 1) principles, 2) objectives, 3) instructional processes, 4) principles of response, 5) society system, 6) support, 7) knowledge and 8) promoted learns. There were 7 processes: 1) introduction, 2) problem confrontation, 3) brainstorming, 4) knowledge monitoring, 5) summary, 6) skills training and 7) evaluation. The achievement test result and the ability to solve the problems after learning was significantly higher than before learning at .05 levels. The students agreed to use the model at the highest level.


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How to Cite

U-thaisaeng, P. . (2020). The Development of an Instructional Model to Promote the Ability to Solve Mathematical Problems for for Nineth Grade Students. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 14(2), 63–75. retrieved from



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